Snow Algae (also know as Watermelon Snow & Blood Snow) is the most innovative new ingredient for anti-ageing skincare. A safe, natural solution that helps repair ageing skin on a cellular level.
What Is Snow Algae?
Snow Algae is found at the coldest of mountain tops, such as the Alps or even coastal polar regions. During the summer it remains a hearty green, however when winter comes, it turns bright red. It’s able to turn red in order to protect itself from the harsh UV exposure of the sun. The red pigment it produces is able to defer the sun’s radiation. As it is found at the highest mountain peaks, this plant has to be very sturdy to thrive in such a harsh environment.
How Does It Benefit You?
Snow Algae’s ability to increase your longevity and revitalise aged skin works in two ways:
1. It activates an enzyme called AMPK (adenosine monophosphate-activated protein)
This energy enzyme focuses mainly on repair and protection when it is activated. It also is able to help skin cells resist stress, slowing down the ageing process. As you get older, your body finds it harder to activate AMPK by itself and will need the external support.
2. It activates an essential longevity gene, called Klotho
The gene is named after the Greek Goddess, Clotho, who was responsible for spinning the fate of human life. It was given the name after scientists discovered it in 1997 and established that an over expression of this gene could extend a human life by 30%.
Where Will You Find It?
Snow Alage is the key ingredient used in our new Signature Hydrating Facial. Try a treatment today for just £40 (normally £55)